Reflections ART Contest

Explore the arts & express yourself

National PTA has a long-standing commitment to arts education. The Reflections program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts, which boost student confidence and success in the arts and life.

Categories and Divisions

Students participate in the appropriate division for their grade: 

Students submit their completed works of art in one or all of the available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts.

commonly asked questions - about reflections

What is the Reflections Program?

Each year, pre-K through grade 12 students create and submit original works of art in response to a student-created theme selected through the annual Reflections Theme Search Contest.

Based on state PTA rules and guidelines, art is submitted and may advance from the local PTA level up through district/region/council and state PTA competitions to the national level for awards and recognition opportunities.

Can I submit more than one entry?

Students may submit one (1) entry per category. However, a student may submit entries in multiple categories.

What is an Artist Statement?

You are required to write a description of your artwork between 10 and 100 words. The judges will use your statement to understand what you are trying to say through your art. Take your time and put some effort into this step.

What do the judges look for?

There are three areas of critique:

How are the students recognized?

Local Level Review – A  panel at the local level first reviews all student submissions. The top three entries in each category are advanced to State Competition.

State Level Review – State PTAs are able, but not required, to submit 30 entries in total to the national level for review - one entry per arts category, per division.

National Level Review – Student entries submitted to the national level go through two rounds of review by esteemed arts professionals across the country. Over 200 students are recognized for their achievements in the arts and their works are exhibited throughout the year. Top national-level winners are provided prizes and scholarships and their works are showcased and exhibited.

2023-20254 Theme

2023-2024 LOCAL WINNERs

I am Hopeful Because...

CONGRATULATIONS to all of our EPiC Reflections participants! 

Collectively, 40 entries were submitted this school year (up from just 12 submissions last year)! Each Local winner submissions move on to the Missouri State Level competition, which announces their winners in March. 

Dance Choreography

Primary Division K-2nd

1st – McKenzie Day-Gloe, Studio 2 

Intermediate Division 3rd-5th

1st – Vedika Asher, Studio 5

Music Composition

Primary Division K-2nd

No Entries

Intermediate Division 3rd-5th

1stLachlan Burnes, Studio 3

2ndCalista Pttman, Studio 5

3rd – Wynndal Adams, Studio 5

Film Production

Primary Division K-2nd

No Entries

Intermediate Division 3rd-5th

1stMillie Ontiveros, Studio 5


Primary Division K-2nd

No Entries

Intermediate Division 3rd-5th

1stLydia Walker, Studio 5

2ndAudrey Beckner, Studio 5

3rdSierra Jones, Studio 5


Primary Division K-2nd

1stNoelle Gaudreau, Studio 1 

Intermediate Division 3rd-5th

1stAmelia O'Dell, Studio 4

2nd – Ramsey Bartlow, Studio 5

Visual Arts

Primary Division K-2nd

1stAyla Speight, Studio 1

2ndIolani Kaaiakamanu, Studio K

3rdDelaney Hord, Studio K

Intermediate Division 3rd-5th

1stEmery Duethman, Studio 5

2ndOlivia Noel, Studio 3

3rdVedika Asher, Studio 5


CONGRATULATIONS to all of our EPiC Reflections State Winners! 

Missouri PTA is pleased to announce the 2023-2024 “I Am Hopeful Because…” State Reflections Program winners. The first-place winning entries have been advanced to the National PTA for consideration. The national-level results will be announced soon.

Primary Division (K-2nd Grade)

McKenzie Day-Gloe

2nd place – Dance Choreography

Intermediate Division (3rd-5th Grade)

Vedika Asher

Honorable Mention – Dance Choreography

Emery Duethman

2nd place – Visual Arts