– F U N D R A I S I N G    C O M M I T T E E –



Monster mash dash 

annual run-a-thon fUNDRAISER

It's a fun and healthy way to engage our students and families in supporting the fantastic opportunities, experiences, supplies, equipment and events at EPiC Elementary. We appreciate your support and partnership! Please share this opportunity with your family and friends. Remember that any contribution is appreciated!

At EPiC, we pride our PTA on being able to fund numerous activities, field trips, author visits, family events, classroom experiences, and so much more. The only way we can do that is by raising enough funds each year to cover all of our annual operating costs and, hopefully, a surplus so that we can continue to provide EXTRA equipment, grant EXTRA requests for teachers, continue enriching our EPiC students' educational and personal lives.



Show us your best DIY Mummy outfit, or wear all white!


Wear your BEST Halloween-themed shirts and look forward to PTA visitors in your classroom for some tricks & treats!


A magical day! Dress like a witch or warlock.


Grab a friend and plan to twin with them!


Wear your FREAKIEST outfit today for the Monster Mash Dash Run-a-thon! 

*** Please do not wear Halloween costumes **** 

Tutus, Halloween Shirts, freaky hair, freaky socks/tights, accessories, etc., are all acceptable.

24-25 Running Schedule

8:05 - 8:20 AM drop off

8:20 - 9:00 AM event set up


9:00 - 9:30 AM sTUDIO K RUN

9:45 - 10:15 AM STUDIO 2 RUN

10:20 - 10:50 AM STUDIO 1 RUN

11:15 - 11:45 AM STUDIO 5 RUN

12:00 - 12:30 PM STUDIO 3 RUN

1:00 - 1:30 PM STUDIO 4 RUN


1:30 - 2:00 PM CLEAN up


If you're one of our parent volunteers or coming to cheer on your student(s), here is the event schedule for the day. 

With our ongoing construction of the building this year, we'll be altering our running route slightly to avoid the sidewalk by the construction zone. This will be clearly marked with cones, but we'll be utilizing all of our parent volunteers and parent spectators to form safe barriers for our students. 

If you haven't signed up to be a volunteer or a spectator yet, please do so on our volunteer page!

commonly asked questions

What is your annual operating budget?

As of the 2024-2025 school year, our annual operating budget is about $18,000. 

We were able to increase that budget at the beginning of 2024 from about $13,000. Because our Run-a-thon Fundraising has been so successful, we were able to increase several of our committee budgets to help offset additional parent donation costs. We  were able to increase the budgets on the following committees:

Additionally, we were able to create a NEW cooking budget for Studio 5 to help offset the cost of external parent donations. ($1,000 budget)  

What does our money fund?

In short... EVERYTHING!

The PTA is a Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Our entire operating budget must be funded through our annual fundraiser. We do get small additional amounts from some of our other passive opportunities, like Restaurant Nights, BoxTops, Hy-Vee Receipts, etc., but the majority of our funding comes from this one event.

The PTA is responsible for funding:

What happens if you don't raise enough?

Historically, our EPiC community has always come through in our fundraising efforts. The PTA always keeps a one-year operating budget safety net so that if we ever have a "bad" fundraising year, we will be able to continue operating as expected for that school year. We would, however, likely need to adjust/reduce our committee operating budgets for the following school year to accommodate the budget discrepancies. 

thank you to our event sponsors!